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Fun Fact: Abe used this famous quote from the Bible, he didn't think of it on his own!


My foreign policy would include improving bloc relations and make an effort to treaty with alliances out of the bloc.  We have our best allies in this bloc, and we will stick by them. If these people have sacrificed themselves for us and each other, I say they are closer than allies, they are brothers in arms.

I want CS to ally itself with allies with a strong and cohesive alliance outside of the bloc to further our outreach in the Orbis.  There is not much we can do on the FA front due to the war that slashed all treaties with Syndisphere, so in order to form treaties with alliances that are INQ friendly, we have to show our best militarily.

If deemed appropriate, I will do my best to repair relations with the other side.  
Butnottreaty them, just make friendships so we don't have to be hard on each other.

Let us show Orbis that we truly are an alliance of peace and formidability.


Foreign Policy
Military Policy

My military policy will help secure our alliance and increase its combat effectiveness and duration.  I will impose a tough warchest and standing army for each nation, with monthly check-ups.

Concerning the raidings and our performance in the war, this has brought me back to the time where a colleague and I were talking about improving combat efficiency.  Depending on the circumstances, I may or may not legalize raiding.  This, of course, would have a strict policy with an updated version of the GRP.  These raids would, of course, help teach new players how to fight.

I know this is a sensitive issue, but we must improve our fighting capacity and if that means using live ammunition to do so, so be it.  We must train to fight the best we can.

Another is tier compression, we're spread too thin and makes it difficult for some to get some backup during wars, so my plan is to help fund nation closer together corresponding to the number of cities they have and require all nations with six cities or higher who can stabilize their economy and still profit have max air at all times with four to five hangars in each city.

It's time we get back on track with our military and coordination, so I am wanting a separate server on Discord that handles all coordination during a war between squads and tiers and command.

Internal Policies

My internal policies will focus mostly on growth.  I shall set the tax to 5/0 (5% on money and 0% for resources) to allow nations to sell their own resources without worrying about accounting for resources taken by tax.  This will allow nations in CS to sell their own raw and or manufactured resources on the market but still have nations pay a small amount of cash to the Bank.


I will also advocate for a program that encourages nations to donate a minimum of fifteen million dollars in exchange for a future 6% discount when repaying a loan (i.e. you ask for $100 and only pay back $94.


We are also facing an inactivity issue, so what I will do is host games outside on PnW like DrawMyThing, or Fun Run, Trigger Fist, etc.  My hope is this will bring us closer together through "friendly" competition.

I love this alliance and have been part of it so long, I will see to it that our members do not go inactive.  

Fun Fact:  Aristide likes to speak in third person :P

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